Mrs. America Pageant

The Mrs. America pageant is one of America’s oldest and most prestigious beauty pageants that honors married women and their accomplishments. It was founded in 1977 and continues to empower married women to become leaders through community service.
The Mrs. America organization gives women a powerful platform to raise awareness about their respective charitable causes. Each year, each of the contestants representing the 50 states and the District of Columbia earns the right to participate in the national event by winning her state’s competition.
The original “Mrs. America” event (which began in 1938) was reorganized in 1977 by Mr. David Marmel to feature a more contemporary format designed to attract married women.
Mrs. New York America
Mrs. New York America is the state preliminary for Mrs. America. Mrs. New York America serves to celebrate married women of New York, their families, and their communities. Mrs. New York America unites women who are passionate about giving back. Contestants are judged on their community service, interview, swim swear and evening wear. Mrs. New York America’s team is led by Executive Director Mrs. Diane Hardgrove, who was Mrs. Arizona America 2006, Mrs. America 2006 and Mrs. World 2007.
We welcome you to join our sisterhood. Be Empowered. Join our movement!
Instagram: @MrsNYAmerica
美國夫人盛會是美國最古老、最負盛名的盛會之壹,旨在表彰已婚婦女及其成就。它成立於1977年,並繼續推動已婚婦女通過社區服務成為領導者。美國夫人組織為婦女提供了壹個強有力的平臺,以提高她們的慈善事業意識。每年, 50個州和哥倫比亞特區的參賽者通過贏得州比賽獲得參加全國賽事的資格。最初的“美國“活動(始於1938年)於1977年由David Marmel先生重新組織後,旨在采用更現代的方式吸引已婚婦女
紐約美國夫人是美國夫人的創始州。紐約美國夫人致力於慶祝紐約已婚婦女及其家庭和社區。紐約美國夫人將熱衷於回饋的婦女團結起來。參賽者在他們的社區服務、面試、泳裝和晚禮服比賽。紐約美國女士團隊由執行董事Diane Hardgrove女士領導,她是2006年亞利桑那州美國夫人、2006年美國夫人和2007年世界夫人。